Kracht van audio

Kracht van audio

Episode 1

De kracht van audio

 In de drukte van onze moderne wereld waarin we constant worden overspoeld met visuele informatie, is er iets magisch aan de kracht van het gesproken woord. Het is een kracht die rechtstreeks naar ons hart reist, onze verbeelding prikkelt en een diepe impact achterlaat. 

Het vertellen van een werkgeversverhaal in audio is een kunst op zich. Het neemt ons mee op een betoverende reis, waarbij de stem van de verteller onze zintuigen streelt en ons meeneemt naar de kern van wat een bedrijf zo speciaal maakt als werkplek.


Listen to the specific part

Start With Why
Organic Architecture
Victory Journal
The Great Discontent

Episode Transcript:


As designers it can sometimes be a challenge to come the up with an initial idea for a concept. We might intend the to ourselves in the sam spot 3 hours later still thumbing through.


During our discussion, we explain the importance loong for the inspe beyond your field, as well as how the tidentify it beyond an aesthetic level. We even share some of our latest on. As designers it can someti be a challenge to come the up with an initial idea for a concept weath might intend the to ourselves in the sam spot 3 hours later still hum through.


As designers it can sometimes be a challenge to come the up with an initial idea for a concept. We might intend the to ourselves in the sam spot 3 hours later still thumbing through. As designers it can sometimes be a challenge to come the up with an initial idea for a concept. We might intend the to ourselves in the sam spot 3 hours later still thumbing through


During our discussion, we explain the importance loong for the inspe beyond your field, as well as how the tidentify it beyond an aesthetic level. We even share some of our latest on. As designers it can someti be a challenge to come the up with an initial idea for a concept weath might intend the to ourselves in the sam spot 3 hours later still hum through. During our discussion, we explain the importance loong for the inspe beyond your field, as well as how the tidentify it beyond an aesthetic level. We even share some of our latest on. As designers it can someti be a challenge to come the up with an initial idea for a concept weath might intend the to ourselves in the sam spot 3 hours later still hum through.


Meet your hosts:

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